I have a very complicated relationship with being girly. I have always loved girly things. My mother would have really preferred to have boys. Going through old family photographs one day, I was shocked to see an early family portrait in which both my older sisters looked like they were in drag! There was the trip, at six years old, to the hairdresser's to get a fringe for my bob. My hairstyle became a crewcut; half an inch of hair all round. My mother just insisted on taking more off and I was unable to stop the proverbial car crash, stunned as I was in the hairdresser's chair. I was traumatised. The hair looked so wrong with my royal-blue-pinafore-on-white-shirt Catholic school uniform. (I liked nothing better than to look at the girls' party dresses with ruffled skirts at the French children's clothing store at the local shopping centre. Crew cut + ruffly party dress was not something I had envisioned at the time, though the look proved quite effective in an 80s Valentino ad later on.) Out of school uniform, all the children at home wore tee shirts and shorts. And they were handed down from sibling to sibling. On the one hand, it was a lesson in investing in good quality clothing. On the other hand, my immediate sibling was a brother. Needless to say, looking girly was a bit of a struggle in those days. The clothing alone can be a subject of many, many posts...
So in the spirit of girliness, and as an antidote to another dreary, grey day, I am posting images of pink things around the house. Playing the song from FUNNY FACE is optional:

What I see first thing in the morning
What I feel like doing when it's grey and dreary outside
What is in the front hallway at present
Oh the pink sheets and toy.... too divine !!!!!!!