Monday, July 22, 2013

Arcimboldo Watercolour

For watercolour class last week, we started making Arcimboldo watercolours and the homework assignment was to complete them.  So a large part of today was taken up with this:

The instructor brought in an assortment of fruits and vegetables (and some pasta) for us to turn into a face:

Reconstructed on the dining table:

A few hours later, I finished with this:

It's been a really lovely, inspiring class.  I don't know that I would ever have taken the time and energy to pull together and make a painting which required relatively close detail work - I was making abstract work by the time I graduated from art school.  So I love that I am made to attempt this sort of work.  Also, I always look forward to seeing everyone else's work.  It's a talented group of people I am in class with.

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